Yes, Dear

A comedy about two young couples and their outrageously contrasting views on parenting. Greg and Kim Warner struggle on a daily basis to become perfect at the job. Kim is a neurotic, stay-at-home mother, and although her husband, Greg, is a success in his career, his more difficult job is keeping his wife calm as they raise their two young children. While Kim is determined to be the perfect mother and perfect wife and to raise the perfect children, her sister, Christine Hughes, a very down-to-earth mother of two, continually reminds her that life will never be perfect. Christine's husband, Jimmy, often feels compelled to share with his brother-in-law his philosophy about being a husband and a parent while still remaining a man.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 22m

Release: 2000

Rating: 6.6

Season 1 - Yes, Dear
02 Oct 2000
"Greg & Kim live in their own home in California. Christine (Kim's sister) & Jimmy live in a nearby apartment. Jimmy talks Greg into allowing Kim and Christine to have a day without the children; he and Greg take the children to a casino."
09 Oct 2000
"Greg is surprised to find out that Kim is still breast feeding Sammy even though he is one year old. Greg says it is OK to breast feed for the health, but Kim says it is for another reason."
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30 Oct 2000
"Kim and Christine's father comes to visit. The father gets along great with Jimmy, but not with Greg. Jimmy can get away with saying anything and the father does not get upset. With Greg, things don't always go well."
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20 Nov 2000
"When Kim finds out Christine and Jimmy are not having a birthday party for Dominic's birthday, she has one for him. Jimmy gets a security guard job where Greg works at the movie studio and invites the Greg's boss to the party."
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04 Dec 2000
"Kim & Greg have dinner with friends. When they realize they only talk about Sammy, they decide to take a wine tasting class to have something else to talk about. Jimmy & Christine decide to join them in the class."
18 Dec 2000
"Jimmy inherits money from a deceased uncle. He repays Greg the money he owes him, and then spends the rest on gifts and other items. Now, he has no money to pay the taxes on the inheritance. Kim has a holiday picture taken of the children."
08 Jan 2001
"When an inspector shows up and tells them that Jimmy and Christine can't live with Greg and Kim cause of zoning. So they make plans to leave. The inspector tells Greg that if they can get ..."
29 Jan 2001
"Billy, a friend of Jimmy's visits - with suitcase in hand. He stays in Kim & Greg's backyard. Billy makes himself at home, setting up clothes lines in the backyard, moving yard furniture, etc. Jimmy gets tickets for the hockey game."
05 Feb 2001
"The Warners and Hughes talk about the days when they first met and find out that Kim kissed Jimmy while he was starting to date Christine. Christine and Greg are upset. Greg claims to have ..."
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19 Feb 2001
"Jimmy & Christine find out Dominic has been mooning his classmates in school and cannot attend class until he sees a counselor and stops. Christine decides to home school."
26 Feb 2001
"Kim & Greg are upset to learn that Sammy's pediatrician has retired and sold his practice to another doctor. When they find out he is extremely young, they decide to find other choices. But then Sammy gets something stuck up his noise."
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19 Mar 2001
"The two families decide to go to church with Kim having forced Greg to also go. Kim then tells him he has to go to the Daddies Group; Jimmy also has to go. They reluctantly attend until they find out what the group is really for."
09 Apr 2001
"Kim tells Christine she will watch her children if Christine accepts Jury Duty. Kim regrets it as she finds out what it is like to care for three young children. Greg calls Jimmy's mother to help Kim, but the mother is not that much help."
16 Apr 2001
"The couples get a baby sitter for the children and go out. But Kim does not have fun because they go to a bar for pool and karaoke. Greg implies Kim does not know how to be fun. Jimmy tries to help her learn how to have fun."
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"Greg and Kim buy a new minivan, and plan to trade in their old car. Jimmy tells Greg trade-ins are a rip-off, and he could just as easily fix it up and sell it himself. Greg agrees to the proposal and lets him keep whatever extra money he makes on top of the trade-in price. So Jimmy fixes up the car, sells it himself, and keeps $3000. He then asks Greg what he should do with the cash since he's never had any before. Greg, stunned at Jimmy's newfound responsibility, suggests he invest it in the stock market and use the profits for his kids' education. Jimmy chooses not to follow that advice to a 'T', however, and instead plunks the money down on a used, dilapidated speedboat -- which doesn't even run. Greg throws a hissyfit over what he considers to be Jimmy's irresponsibility triumph, so much so that even Kim thinks he's being uptight. Jimmy ignores Greg, fixes up the boat and invites the adults out for its \"\"maiden\"\" voyage. At first, Greg refuses to have a good time, but when left alon"
Season 2 - Yes, Dear
24 Sep 2001
"Christine & Jimmy train Logan to use the potty a simple way; Kim & Greg train Sammy to use the potty, but they use books, musical potties, special panties, toys, and videos. Meanwhile, Jimmy found a loophole in buy and returning items."
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22 Oct 2001
"Greg gets a ticket in the mail for going through a red light, but it is Jimmy driving the car. Greg is upset that Jimmy borrowed his car. Turns out Christine & Jimmy borrow a lot of items from Greg & Kim. Kim borrows Christine's camera."
29 Oct 2001
"It's Halloween. While Trick and Treating, a neighbor in costume scares Sammy; Greg and Kim are annoyed and plan to seek revenge. Kim wants to write a letter to scare him. Jimmy and Christine suggest a different method."
05 Nov 2001
"At a family outing, Greg and Jimmy meet a father who spends more time with his children than they do. Jimmy is OK with this, but Greg feels neglectful. Christine meets a guy who is more of a slacker than Jimmy."
12 Nov 2001
"While cleaning, Greg finds a wedding invitation in an old jacket that he was supposed to mail. Kim's friendship ended when she never responded to the (unreceived) invitation. Christine spends more time studying for college than with Jimmy."
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26 Nov 2001
"Jimmy & Christine give Greg & Kim a gift of a trip to the grand canyon. The Hughes also go on the vacation, and the trip is in an old RV. Christine makes the Warner's leave them money at home, so when the RV breaks, the trip is stalled."
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14 Jan 2002
"Christine meets a woman who brags about her husband fulfilling his dream of opening a restaurant. Christine decides Jimmy should try his dream of being a baseball umpire. Kim is annoyed at ..."
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25 Mar 2002
"Greg's first girlfriend, Stacey, from high school visits with her husband. They ask Greg to donate sperm so she can have a child. When he turns them down, they ask Jimmy. Greg reconsiders and then Greg and Jimmy compete to be the donor."
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15 Apr 2002
"Christine is smoking again and tries to stop. Greg is up for a promotion against another person. Jimmy plays on Greg's company baseball team and helps to win the game; Greg gets the promotion and Jimmy thinks he helped him get it."
22 Apr 2002
"Kim finds out her engagement ring was one that Greg actually purchased for a former girlfriend. Greg searches for another ring to buy Kim. Jimmy buys Christine a foot bath and she enjoys it more than being with him."
29 Apr 2002
"Kim & Greg write their wills. If they both die, Christine & Jimmy have care of their child, but not the money. Jimmy takes exception, so Greg gives him money to see how he can manage it. There are several business ventures."
06 May 2002
"Greg's parents arrive for a visit. Greg thinks his mother bosses his father around too much, so Greg, Jimmy, and the father go to Vegas to have a carefree, dictated free weekend. Kim and Greg's mother talk about the weather and more."
"Kim catches Greg off guard when she tells him she wants to have another baby. To try to talk her out of it, he uses the excuse that they're going to paint the house, and pregnant women shouldn't be around the fumes. Christine then catches Jimmy off guard when she offers their painting services. On the first day of the job, Christine and Jimmy receive a housecall from two missionaries, David and Ricky, who are going door-to-door to promote family values and do charity work... like painting houses for complete strangers. Too lazy to do it themselves, Christine and Jimmy gladly take them up on that. Jimmy's bad drinking and gambling influence rubs off on the innocent missionaries, so it's up to Jimmy and his knowledge of all things 700 Club to get them back into the faith and out of the house. Kim talks Greg into going for round 2, but just as they're about to begin, she confesses she wants another girl. And if they keep getting more boys, then they'll keep trying until they get a girl. E"
Season 3 - Yes, Dear
"No description"
30 Sep 2002
"Dominic goes to a sleepover at a friend's home, and they later call to say there might be head lice. Everyone at Greg's home soon has head lice."
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28 Oct 2002
"Kim & Greg and the kids go on a family vacation with Christine & Jimmy and their kids to Lake Tahoe. Greg does not like staying in a cheaper hotel because that is all Jimmy can afford."
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11 Nov 2002
"Kim & Greg realize they are not treasuring the second pregnancy as much as they did the first pregnancy. Jimmy & Christine they have not paid much attention to Logan, their second child."
18 Nov 2002
"Jimmy catches an intruder in Heidi Klums' trailer, and then is called a hero. Greg is addicted to nasal spray and Kim takes steps to stop him from using it."
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06 Jan 2003
"Dominic participates in the school sport events and does poorly, but still receives participation trophies. Jimmy does not think he should have trophies for not winning and needs to learn about losing. Dominic overhears the comments."
20 Jan 2003
"Kim decides that they should rent a storage unit to hold the excess items she and Greg own; Christine & Jimmy store excess items as well. Greg and Jimmy end up visiting the storage unit to play with their \"stuff\" from before the marriages."
"No description"
10 Feb 2003
"Christine tells Jimmy no need for a gift for Valentines Day. She gets Jimmy a card, but does not like the one he got for her. She wants him to be more romantic."
17 Feb 2003
"Jimmy's father visits. Jimmy gets four tickets for the baseball fan expo. Jimmy does not want the father to lie to Dominic about teaching Johnny Bench to hit in the minor league. Turns out the father did help the baseball teams."
24 Feb 2003
"A gorgeous, sexy woman starts working with Greg and starts flirting with him. No one believes that she is coming on to Greg. Greg is upset that she seems to have a lot of responsibilities and power for a new employee."
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"When Greg tells Jimmy he never does anything for him, Jimmy shares with him a story back in ye olden days -- the 1980s -- when Jimmy, Billy and their friend, Brian, were just a trio of pizza delivery boys with bad hair, and Christine was a lowly waitress at Howard Johnson's. Jimmy flips his lid when Christine lets him know that Kim is coming by with her new boyfriend, as this is going to crush Brian, whom Kim used to be dating before college -- especially since Greg, said new boyfriend, will be staying on Jimmy's couch and mooching off him. When Jimmy meets Greg for the first time, he wonders what on earth Kim sees in him. Tough guy Brian comes over uninvited, and begs Kim to take him back. After she asks him to leave, he plans to beat Greg up, but Jimmy gets him to hold off on his plan of action by saying he'll get rid of the new boyfriend in his own way. So Jimmy takes Greg to a diner, where he learns that Kim is his first, and tries unsuccessfully to scare him off by lying to him ab"
Season 4 - Yes, Dear
22 Sep 2003
"As Greg tries to teach his children to obey him and follow rules, Jimmy allows his children to bypass rules and get away with things. Greg decides to make Jimmy's children be obedient."
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13 Oct 2003
"Jimmy drives Billy to a speed dating event and ends up getting seated at the tables to meet women. Jimmy gets positive comments and requests from the women."
20 Oct 2003
"Jimmy auditions for the Big Brother TV show and is accepted. The other contestants love him. Greg wants him to win so he gets enough money to move out of Greg's home. Meanwhile, the house is calmer without Jimmy around."
27 Oct 2003
"When Jimmy finds out Dominic has been picking on a boy at school, he tells Dominic to be friends with him. As the boys play together, Dominic becomes more like Ronnie instead of Ronnie becoming more like Dominic."
"No description"
10 Nov 2003
"Greg wants a golf vacation for his birthday and starts to drop hints to Kim. But Kim has other ideas - Sea World, to train with the dolphins. Jimmy finds contact information for his old girlfriend on the Internet."
17 Nov 2003
"Chuck Norris plays himself as an actor preparing for a security guard role in a movie. Jimmy shows him the ropes for being a security guard at the studio."
24 Nov 2003
"Jimmy and Greg's father-in-law plan to go ice fishing, but Jimmy hurts his back. Greg is talked into going with him. Kim house sits for a friend; Kim and Christine go to check the house and stay to enjoy the luxuries."
15 Dec 2003
"Greg's boss is being considered for a museum board member, and Greg suggests Kim help with art tips to help him. Greg also suggests Kim attend the museum party with his boss, but regrets it when the boss makes passes at Kim."
05 Jan 2004
"When Greg & Kim return from a trip, they find the ceiling is broken and there is a major water leak from a broken toilet. When the toilet is repaired and a part to a radio is found, Greg turns detective to find out who broke the radio."
12 Jan 2004
"Greg gets tickets for the jazz festival and no one wants to go with him. The others try to find Greg a friend to go with to the festival. Greg meets a cool guy and strikes up a friendship, but Greg finds he cannot keep up with cool guy."
02 Feb 2004
"Jimmy's father visits. Big Jimmy offers to take all the children to a park but Christine, Greg & Kim do not think he is responsible enough. They arrange for a babysitter to go with Big Jimmy and the children."
09 Feb 2004
"Christine & Jimmy join Kim and Greg at their gym. Jimmy finds out that Christine is powerful in the ring, and he sets up a match between his boss and Christine. He wants Christine will beat up his boss."
16 Feb 2004
"Kim and Greg go to a Marriage Encounter Weekend. With Christine & Jimmy at home, there is a message on the answering machine about an aunt dying. Jimmy tells Greg and he is happy to leave the encounter even though it is not his aunt."
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22 Mar 2004
"When Greg decides not to attend a movie premiere, Jimmy takes his ticket and goes there. He tells someone he meets that the movie was lousy. What he doesn't know is that the person he was ..."
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10 May 2004
"Kim invites friends of hers and Christine's over, but does not want Christine & Jimmy to be there. Christine is upset and crashes the Warner's dinner. Since one of the friends is a marriage counselor, he tries to help the two couples."
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"Jimmy's kind gesture of chauffeuring Mr. Savitsky, whose driver's license was revoked, is repaid in full when Mr. Savitsky invites him, Christine and the kids to come live in his guest house. But they all soon find out how much living with Mr. Savitsky is like living with Mr. Warner."
Season 5 - Yes, Dear
16 Feb 2005
"Five year old Sammy has a girl friend. Kim arranges a play date for them. It is not so much fun when Claire and Logan start to play together. Greg & Kim try to make Sammy seem more attractive to Claire again. The competition is on!"
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16 Mar 2005
"Greg loses another assistant at the studio, so as Christine finishes up at college, she gets the job as Greg's assistant. Christine quickly finds out why all the assistants quit ... Kim expects them to do jobs for her as well as Greg."
30 Mar 2005
"Christine calls Jimmy and starts rambling. Jimmy tunes her out until she asks if something is OK. He has no idea what she said. Turns out she realized it and set him up with a list of tasks. Kim joins in on the prank."
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13 Apr 2005
"Now that Jimmy & Christine are in their own home, they start to make changes. Jimmy wants to cut the lemon tree in his back yard, but Greg does not want him to do it. To cut or not cut turns into a childish war."
20 Apr 2005
"Jimmy's father is in town helping Jimmy & Christine with home improvements. Greg's father is in town to participate in Senior Olympics. Big Jimmy decides to compete in the Olympics against Greg's father."
25 Apr 2005
"Even though Jimmy & Christine have their own home, it seems they are over at the Warner's place just as often. Kim complains and Christine overhears it. Both couples try to find new friends, but they encounter problems in their search."
18 May 2005
"Greg lost his job at the movie studio and is depressed. Meanwhile Kim finds a damaged wall in the house which reveals water damage and mold. The Warners have to stay with the Hughes while the house is being repaired."
Season 6 - Yes, Dear
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28 Sep 2005
"Dominic is 10 and going on his first date. Jimmy & Christine have different opinions on how to prepare him. Meanwhile, Kim has a box of personal items she wants Greg to burn when she dies; now he is curious and wants to read the letters."
05 Oct 2005
"Jimmy enters his lawn mower in a lawn mower racing contest and Greg decides to help him with the preparations. Greg Biffle, a NASCAR race driver guest stars as another lawn mower racer."
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19 Oct 2005
"Now that Jimmy & Christine are homeowners, they have become the popular family in the neighborhood. Greg does not care but Kim is upset. Kim throws a party to show they are just as popular."
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