Quincy, M.E.

Los Angeles County medical examiner Quincy routinely engages in police investigations.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 1h 0m

Release: 1976

Rating: 7.5

Season 1 - Quincy, M.E.
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Season 2 - Quincy, M.E.
04 Feb 1977
"While attending a forensic pathologist convention in Tahoe, Quincy is called on to help when hotel guests and staff are stricken with a mysterious illness."
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11 Feb 1977
"In the last of the 90-minute Sunday Mystery Movie episodes (this was aired in the Friday time slot), a crook frantically steals the bones of a long-dead football player from a construction ..."
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25 Feb 1977
"Quincy is delighted to be reunited with his former mentor, Dr. Herbert Stone, until they butt heads over Stone's contradictory findings and potentially perjurious courtroom testimony."
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18 Mar 1977
"Quincy disappears at the worst time: a \"corpse\" delivered to the morgue isn't as dead as the hospital believes. Monahan needs help with a diamond smuggling case, and a young boy with ..."
15 Apr 1977
"Asten's wife picks up a 9-year-old boy out hitchhiking and both are in a car accident. Quincy finds out that the bruises on the boy's body are too old to be from the crash and is determined..."
22 Apr 1977
"A medical student asks Quincy to look into the cause of death of a body that was donated to his university. After discovering that the deceased was a key witness in the trial of a corrupt businessman, Quincy believes it's a case of murder."
29 Apr 1977
"Sam calls Quincy at Danny's with a strange case: an accident victim with very unusual blood test results. The man died from an small gash on his forehead, because his blood could not clot. ..."
06 May 1977
"A hooker tells authorities that a priest with a high profile anti-pornography campaign had paid for her services, had a heart attack and died with her."
"An old man dies in a sanatorium, Valleyview, seemingly of a coronary. His grandson doesn't think that he could have died that way and pays for the Medical Examiners office to do an autopsy. Quincy does the autopsy and tells David, the grandson, that there is nothing unusual about the death. All is done with until a young girl, Anne Freedman, dies at the sanatorium as well. Again the cause of death is not clear and Quincy begins to think that maybe someone is performing \u00e2\u20ac\u02dcmercy killings' on patients that are in pain."
Season 3 - Quincy, M.E.
16 Sep 1977
"A friend of Quincy's escapes captivity and torture and runs to Quincy's boat, but keels over and dies before Quincy can reach him. Quincy loads the man into his official car and takes him ..."
23 Sep 1977
"When a boxer dies after being in a match, his trainer is being accused of not taking care of him. Quincy discovers there's more going on. And his opponent in the match is dating his sister and her mother is blaming him for her son's death."
30 Sep 1977
"A young cop in the mist of inexperience decides to plant a gun on a victim that he had shot from 30 feet away. At first Quincy doubts the officers story but then finds out that not ..."
14 Oct 1977
"The body of a man is discovered at a health spa. Quincy is convinced that the owner's of the spa are responsible for his death. Not only does he need to prove their guilt, but he also must ..."
21 Oct 1977
"The body of a man is discovered in his car in his garage, apparently a result of suicide. As a result of Quincy's investigation, it is revealed that this was not a suicide, but a homicide ..."
28 Oct 1977
"Quincy races against time and a dwindling oxygen supply to locate a kidnap victim's underground prison after the boy's abductor is killed in a car accident."
04 Nov 1977
"A hijacked plane lands at LAX, complete with terrorists making demands. Also on board is a deadly virus, which threatens everyone on board, including the perpetrators. Quincy must find an ..."
11 Nov 1977
"A talented high school football player dies on the field from a genetic brain tumor. His younger brother is also a talented athlete, and making a name for himself on the team as well. ..."
18 Nov 1977
"The body of a tough-guy loan shark is found brutally murdered on the docks. A young loner is falsely accused of the crime, but accepts the blame because he's made to look like a hero in ..."
02 Dec 1977
"Sam's cousin Tad Kimura is a rising young star in the genre of martial arts pictures. Unfortunately, he dies unexpectedly while filming his latest motion picture. Quincy prepares to perform..."
09 Dec 1977
"Quincy is sent to a small rural community in Arizona to determine the cause of a deadly outbreak. Several of the town's residents become gravely ill with similar symptoms, but the local ..."
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06 Jan 1978
"A teenager with a record is accused of murdering an elderly man. The teen happened to belong to a group run by Quincy's friend, former pro-football great Rosie Grier. Rosie asks Quincy not ..."
20 Jan 1978
"Quincy's hot temper and tenseness leads him to be sent to a small town, to get away from the stress of the city, working in the capacity of the town doctor. On his first night in town, he ..."
27 Jan 1978
"While returning from a coroners convention, Quincy and Sam find a human skull in the desert. They immediately hire a forensic artist to use it to try to identify it. Eventually, they ..."
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10 Feb 1978
"A young woman dies suddenly at a bar, and Quincy's autopsy shows her death was a result of a heart condition. However, Quincy doesn't believe the woman's husband is as devastated by her ..."
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"While working late at the lab Quincy and Sam are taken hostage by syndicate chief Vincent DiNardi. He has been poisoned and wants the two medical examiners to find out how the toxin was administered. Once he knows that he can make sure arrangements are completed for his revenge before he dies."
Season 4 - Quincy, M.E.
21 Sep 1978
"Quincy and his girlfriend Barbara are driving up the coast on vacation when they are nearly run off the road by a young woman who is driving very erratically. She drives off the road and ..."
12 Oct 1978
"A race car driver is killed in a fiery crash. However, Quincy suspects foul play, especially when he finds amphetamines in the driver's system. He then tries to prove that it was murder ..."
19 Oct 1978
"A young boy who has run away from a home for mentally handicapped children is found dead. When Quincy performs the autopsy, however, he can find no medical reason for the boy being labeled ..."
26 Oct 1978
"When a patient at a hospital dies unexpectedly, the (black) doctor who was taking care of him is being questioned as to if he gave the patient the proper care. And also it seems that the ..."
02 Nov 1978
"The world's most successful female television journalist appears to have been killed in a motel fire. But when the woman walks into the press conference where Quincy is announcing the cause..."
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30 Nov 1978
"Quincy helps his girlfriend move into a very odd rooming house. On her first night, however, she discovers two bodies mummified and hidden in the attic. Soon two more bodies are discovered,..."
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04 Jan 1979
"The M.E.'s office is helping a hospital with their organ donation program. Quincy goes there to help declare a young man dead and he was told that his kidney would go to a man whose ..."
11 Jan 1979
"Quincy autopsies a patient who died at a hospital which houses convicts considered mentally unfit for a regular jail. Shortly afterwards, the patient's mother contacts Quincy, alleging that..."
18 Jan 1979
"While performing an autopsy on a football player who died from an aneurysm, Quincy notices that he also had an especially drug resistant strain of gonorrhea. Quince and Sam are then loaned ..."
25 Jan 1979
"Quincy investigates the suicide of a woman who was horribly disfigured after undergoing a face peel that was performed by an incompetent plastic surgeon. He then goes on a crusade to see ..."
01 Feb 1979
"The son of a friend of Quincy's dies of a seizure due to a massive drug overdose. Quincy and the boy's father are determined to find out who prescribed the drugs and why the boy was unable to get help."
01 Feb 1979
"The doctor who prescribed excessive drugs to many overdose victims is found murdered, and police arrest the young medical student who was trying to break the addicts by slowly reducing ..."
07 Feb 1979
"After a jet liner crashes just outside of Los Angeles, Quincy is called in to help identify the victims as well as to help find out the cause of the crash. However, he is soon trying to ..."
15 Feb 1979
"Officer Tommy Bates, a close friend of Monahan's, is accused of killing a young car thief who goes berserk after crashing into Bate's police car. Although the signs point to the young man ..."
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01 Mar 1979
"Quincy considers a marriage proposal from his girlfriend Lynne while working on a case. This then causes him to reminisce about his first marriage to his wife Helen. He also thinks about ..."
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"An ailing woman's accidental death outrages Quincy when he discovers that she had been seeing a holistic doctor and had been treated with natural medicines rather than scientific ones. His opinion about the doctor responsible though is affected by his liking for her and it gives him something to think about."
Season 5 - Quincy, M.E.
20 Sep 1979
"A teenage girl dies from a disease that mainly affects the elderly. A few hours later, her boyfriend dies of the same symptoms. Quincy later traces it to a the marijuana they smoked, which ..."
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18 Oct 1979
"While performing an autopsy on a man who was hit by a bus, Quincy and Sam find what looks like a pacemaker inside of him. However, when they remove the object they find out that it actually..."
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01 Nov 1979
"A televangelist whose church is being investigated by federal authorities is found dead in a seedy motel room having died of combining painkillers and alcohol. But the painkillers were ..."
08 Nov 1979
"After a pregnant young woman falls off a cliff during a struggle with her boyfriend, the young man is suspected of killing her; however, Quincy suspects that the girl may have committed ..."
15 Nov 1979
"While walking through a forest, a forest ranger finds a stack of money believed to be the payoff for a hijacker who used a vial of anthrax to hijack a plane. He also finds the hijacker's ..."
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29 Nov 1979
"While driving to a forensic pathologists convention, Quincy nearly falls asleep at the wheel and is stopped by the sheriff of a local town and is taken to the local jail where he sleeps it ..."
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31 Jan 1980
"Quincy and Sam go to a prison to investigate the death of an inmate who had a reputation for being somewhat of an activist and the main suspect is a guard who is noted for his brutality. ..."
07 Feb 1980
14 Feb 1980
21 Feb 1980
"Star gymnast Sally collapses during practice and dies. Quincy suspects that high school coach Virginia Hart is providing the team with performance-enhancing drugs to give them a competitive edge as they head into a national competition."
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"Three deaths due to food poisoning are linked to a football stadium where a big championship game is due to take place. Quincy has three days to find the source before 90,000 spectators come to watch and are put in jeopardy."
Season 7 - Quincy, M.E.
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11 Nov 1981
"While on a cruise in Tahiti, Quincy steps in and helps the crew when a mysterious illness affects the passengers on the ship."
18 Nov 1981
"While on a cruise in Tahiti, Quincy steps in and helps the crew when a mysterious illness affects the passengers on the ship."
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09 Dec 1981
"Quincy investigates the death of a ranch owner while Dr. Astin and his wife struggle with their foster child."
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17 Feb 1982
"Quincy goes on a campaign to clean up the Los Angeles air after an old man dies during an atmospheric inversion."
24 Feb 1982
"After a former Vietnam nurse suffering from PTSD turns up dead, Quincy gets involved with a veteran support group in an effort to get the victim's friend, another former nurse, the treatment she needs for her disorder."
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31 Mar 1982
"Quincy's reputation is called into question on the eve of the trial of mob boss in which Quincy is the star witness."
07 Apr 1982
"After running into an ex-girlfriend he had a fall-out with years ago, Quincey finds himself on the case when her husband dies and must unweave a diabolical plot to reveal the killer's identity."
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"A fraternity \u00e2\u20ac\u02dchazing' stunt goes badly wrong and a young man, Cary Stadler, dies. The other students panic and cover up how he died by placing his body in another place. Seeing as Quincy is the ME who deals with the case their attempt is very quickly uncovered. He proves that the story they are telling the police is complete fabrication. Proving they were involved and proving exactly what happened are two completely different things though, and there seems to be nothing that the police can arrest the boys for."
Season 8 - Quincy, M.E.
29 Sep 1982
"Quincy gets involved in youth gangs and the probation program after a nine-year old girl is killed in a drive by shooting. A 14-year old boy is set up to take the rap."
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10 Nov 1982
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08 Dec 1982
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05 Jan 1983
"A narcissistic psychopath kidnaps the granddaughter of a former Congressman. He says it will be \"Divine Retribution\" if she dies, and the fault for her death will rest upon the shoulders of the Congressman and Quincy."
12 Jan 1983
"Quincy's friend, the estranged son of a mobster, is accused of arson and murder. Can Quincy help save his friend?"
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26 Jan 1983
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"Kenny Kelso, a young father, is seriously injured in a work accident and loses his arm. His arm is found and the paramedics take both him and his limb to a new place, Experiment Hope, where it may be possible to reattach them. The Doctor in charge, Gabriel McCracken, is the man behind the revolutionary new techniques and does everything he can to make sure that Kenny will be able to use his arm again."