The Pier

High-profile architect Alexandra faces her worst nightmare when she gets a call from local cop Conrado to identify her husband Oscar's body, found on a pier in the beautiful Albufera landscape outside Valencia. Suicide? How can it be when they had made plans for their future just hours ago? But it only gets worse: Oscar had been leading a double-life with another woman, Veronica. Who is this woman? Who was the man she loved for 15 years? And what happened that fatal night on the pier?

Season 1 - The Pier
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
18 Jan 2019
Season 2 - The Pier
17 Jan 2020
"After a confusing night. \"Martina\" finally tells Veronica who really she is. Conrad shows signs of rage, while Alejandra discovers that Blanca has taken a thinly veiled creative interpretation of recent events."
17 Jan 2020
"Los secretos de \u00d3scar siguen aflorando y en ellos podr\u00eda estar la respuesta sobre su muerte. Gracias a la herencia que ha dejado a Ver\u00f3nica, Alejandra y ella descubren que \u00d3scar ten\u00eda otro ..."
17 Jan 2020
"The skyscraper changes proposed by Alejandra considerably increase the overall cost of its construction, they need a new partner to join the project to get financing."
17 Jan 2020
"Alejandra begins to get carried away by the wild atmosphere of the Albufera, passes from the arms of Veronica to those of Conrado, leaving aside all her responsibilities."
17 Jan 2020
"Fran and Vicente are in danger because of Veronica's rash actions. Flashbacks show important details about Oscar's relationship with his best friends and business partners."
17 Jan 2020
"Conrado stops Alejandra, he is not a man who can keep open relationships. And with disappointment all his demons wake up. Finding his wife's third rapist is going to become an obsession."
17 Jan 2020
17 Jan 2020
"Conrado consigue desentra\u00f1ar c\u00f3mo fueron las \u00faltimas horas de \u00d3scar: de qu\u00e9 trataba de escapar; qui\u00e9n era el misterioso hombre de Taracuellos; qui\u00e9n fue la \u00faltima persona que lo vio con ..."