Charlie and Lola

Charlie and Lola is a British animated television series based on the Charlie and Lola books written by Lauren Child. It aired from 2005–2008. The animation uses a collage style that emulates the style of the original books. Three series were commissioned by and initially broadcast on the BBC between 2005 and 2008. The series are produced by Tiger Aspect and have been subsequently broadcast in more than twenty countries. The series has won multiple BAFTA awards.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 11m

Release: 2005

Rating: 6.7

Season 1 - Charlie and Lola
03 Oct 2005
"Lola is a fussy eater - but Charlie can get her to eat food with a little imagination."
04 Oct 2005
"Today Lola wants to do everything that's anything all on her own."
"No description"
21 Mar 2005
"You have to be quiet when you're in a library, but that's very hard for Lola."
07 Oct 2005
"It's the school play and Lola is determined to be the Sun; yellow is her favourite colour."
"No description"
28 Mar 2005
"Lola simply has to win all of the time when she's competing with Charlie."
25 Mar 2005
"Something is bothering Lola when it's time to get a hair cut."
18 Apr 2005
"Charlie has promised Marv that he'll play football but poor Lola has a very nasty cold."
25 Apr 2005
"Charlie wants Lola to hurry or they will be late for school."
17 Oct 2005
"What Lola wants more than anything is to make Charlie jump, which proves quite tricky."
18 Oct 2005
"You cannot have a picnic without swirly tennis and boildy eggs and, of course, sunshine."
"No description"
"No description"
25 Oct 2005
"To please Mum, Lola is determined to stay clean and tidy for her first school photograph."
26 Oct 2005
"Lola likes all sorts of creepy crawlies, but she is just not keen on spiders."
27 Oct 2005
"Snow is on the way and Lola is bursting with excitement. Lola just loves snow."
"No description"
31 Oct 2005
"Lola has a sleepover at Lotta's, but she realises she's left her suitcase at home."
"No description"
02 Nov 2005
"Lola simply does not have time to play today, she is far too extremely busy."
28 Oct 2005
"Life is not fair when you are always small, so Lola does everything she can to be taller."
04 Nov 2005
"Lola has a fabulous new alligator costume, and she's never going to take it off, not ever!"
07 Nov 2005
"Sharing proves a challenge when Lola wants a zoo house and Charlie wants an airport."